Question: is the mars the same as earth

  1. Mars is very different from earth. It is smaller and it doesn’t have the same atmosphere (there’s no oxygen, so you couldn’t breathe). It’s also farther from the sun, so it’s colder (though just barely outside the realm of habitability, I think). The biggest difference is that Earth has a lot of liquid water on the surface, while Mars has none (at least that we’ve observed). It is this water that is a necessary (though not sufficient) component for life to exist.


  2. @jacques: Nope! It’s not the same! @Kyler’s covered the main differences – so I’ll talk about what IS similar between the two…

    – Both Earth and Mars are made up of rock and metal (not music)
    – Both planets have water (but Mars has way less than Earth and what is there is thought to be ‘locked up’ as ice underground)
    – They are both spheres in shape


  3. Even with all the differences, Mars is still the planet most like Earth in our Solar System.

