Question: why does our blood have to go all around our body

  1. Blood plays a really important role in transporting nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in our bodies. It also helps carry away all the metabolic wastes. A bit like delivering the food and taking out the trash all at once! It also plays a role in maintaining out temperature and how we keep healthy. We needs it to travel all around our body so that all our cells get these benefits.



  2. Every cell in your body needs oxygen and food and to have wastes (carbon dioxide and other things) taken away. The blood flows from the heart (the pump) to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is swapped for oxygen, then back through the heart through the liver (I think that is mostly about putting sugar (food) into the blood) and the kidneys (urea is taken out of the blood) and to every cell of your body.


  3. If you didn’t have blood, you wouldn’t need to, or probably be able to go to the toilet. Imagine how much more time you would have in your life then 🙂

