Question: Do you think that the El Chupacabra is real?

  1. Many cultures have legends of human-like but non-human creatures. The sasquatch (“big foot”), the yeti, and this one from central America is quite similar in many ways. My guess is that these are “normal” animals with a vaguely human shape glimpsed under poor lighting conditions. The Wikipedia entry for El Chupacabra says that the best evidence is that these are actually diseased dogs.


  2. No, I do not.

    There would be evidence – skeletons, hair, camera trap sightings, etc. if it were.


  3. I also think its not real.

    I found it interesting that when the British biologists first found a Platypus and sent it back to England they believed it was a joke!


  4. No, I don’t think so. Like amid said, I’d like to see evidence to believe things like this.

