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Asked by paradox to DJ, Kyler, Mia, Mick, Peter on 4 Sep 2013.
Keywords: because, definition, google
It is the same as saying “for the reason that” or “on account of being”. I guess we use it instead of those BECAUSE it’s quicker.
It relates to cause – why did something happen? Well, by cause of this or that, or simply “because”.
Because…. some people like to use a word to link to half finished sentences. Unfortunately, it seems one of those words thats over used a little…. maybe I’m guilty 🙂
It is the same as saying “for the reason that” or “on account of being”. I guess we use it instead of those BECAUSE it’s quicker.
It relates to cause – why did something happen? Well, by cause of this or that, or simply “because”.
Because…. some people like to use a word to link to half finished sentences. Unfortunately, it seems one of those words thats over used a little…. maybe I’m guilty 🙂