Question: Do you think that the earth was created just for humans or it is just a coincidence that everything is just right?

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  1. @baileymymie: Hmmm. I look at this from a different angle. I see that we were able to evolve in this world because of a chain of events and environmental conditions. The fossil and geological records provides scientific evidence and information about these chains relating to animals, atmospheric conditions, etc. etc.

    It’s amazing. I don’t believe it was created by forces other than physical ones though. But that’s me. It’s totally fine if you think it was! 🙂


  2. @bailey, I’m with @mia on this one. The earth wasn’t created for us, and it certainly wasn’t a coincidence that its just right.

    We started as tiny little bacteria millions and millions of years ago and with each step though time we found a way to change that made living on Earth a little bit easier. We are who we are now, because of how Earth is.

    If we changed some things on Earth, then we would have turned out different to match. For example, if we made gravity twice as strong, we would probably be shorter and stronger. Funny to think isn’t it?


  3. These guys are good.


  4. A recent ABC TV program called Quantum addressed this in a scientific way. It turns out that so many things may have been slightly different and then we would not be here.
    But on the other hand, if we were not here, we would not be asking the question. Scientists are not quite sure what that means.


  5. As I’ve written in some of my other answers, I am a Christian, so I do think that the earth was created for humans — but I don’t think it was “just” for humans. It seems to me that there is evidence of a purpose to the earth and the universe (it is “for” something), though that is not so much based on science as it is logic and philosophy (“Why is there something rather than nothing?”).
    On the other hand, attempts at showing scientifically that there are specific identifiable actions of a creator that rule out other natural explanations (as Creationism or Intelligent Design do) seem to me to be incorrect, for a variety of different reasons. Instead, it seems to me that natural processes (both the laws of physics and chance/coincidental events) are sufficient for explaining how the earth got to be the way it is.
    From a purely personal point of view, I would feel pretty good if my religious beliefs were confirmed by scientific evidence, but it turns out that the universe just is the way it is, regardless of how I might want it to be. Fortunately, I don’t need something like Creationism to be true in order for my belief in God to be justified — as I have written in other questions, science tells us *how* the world was created, whereas my religious beliefs tell me more about *who* did it and *why*.

