Question: if a black hole was to swallow the universe then to explode will the world start over again

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  1. Only Stephen Hawking could think this one through, I reckon. If it did explode then all the energy would be returned to the universe so I guess things could start again. Doesn’t mean the Earth as we know it would start over though. Kyler, what do you think?


  2. @kodeman: I think that’s a question scientists are still trying to understand and answer.

    I certainly don’t know the answer – maybe you could be the scientist who works it out for us? What do you think would happen?


  3. @Kodeman, thats one of those great questions that gives the best scientists headaches for days (or their entire careers). Black holes are such wonderful things that we know exist and can observe how they impact space and object near enough to them, but really understand little about them.

    Hopefully @Kyler can help us out. He is the black hole scientist… in a nice way.


  4. Hmm…that is a really interesting question. There are some scientists who have an idea about “multiverses”, which are just several independent universes that don’t interact. So maybe the way to get from one universe to another is through a black hole? Unfortunately, we don’t have any way to test these ideas, so no one can really say for sure. However, we do know that whatever a normal sized black hole absorbs is lost. On the other hand, if the black hole ever explodes or “evaporates” (as some astronomers think they might), then the information that was inside of it will get out, but that doesn’t mean that we can recreate whatever it was that got sucked into the black hole.
    My guess is that if there were a black hole big enough to swallow the entire universe, then the same sort of thing would happen — if it ever evaporated, *something* would come out, but it almost certainly wouldn’t be the same thing that went into the black hole in the first place.


  5. Taking a slightly wider view, the universe started off with just hydrogen. It takes an exploding star to make other (heavier) atoms. So all of the Earth and much of the Sun are left=overs from an older star that went bang.
    I think our best guess about a black hole is that it can’t explode, and that it crushes matter so hard even the atoms are broken up and turned into energy, but the energy (and that is a LOT of energy) has to go somewhere. However, a black hole could not swallow the entire universe – our galaxy (the Milky Way) perhaps. I am sure some clever astrophysicist has calculated the total mass (weight) of the Milky Way and so can work out the size that the black hole (its already there, slowly swallowing it all up) will grow to when it has eventually swallowed all the stars, but I thinks it will be smaller than the Milky Way now, so it won’t swallow other galaxies like Andromeda.



  1. maybe
