Question: did you ever get in a fight at school? i got kicked out of my last school from it

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  1. Yes, I was often bullied at school, perhaps because I was rather quiet and shy. At one primary school there was a gang that used to regularly wait for me on my way home and punch me.
    It seems some people like to pick on anyone they see as different. Now I am older, I understand that people who pick on others are actually unhappy about themselves. The leader of the boys that picked on me came from a very rough home where his father possibly bullied him and he thought he would feel better by making someone else feel as bad as he did.
    Did you start the fight, or were you fighting back?
    If you started the fight, think about why you might want to do that, and talk to a teacher about it. If you were fighting back, next time talk to a teacher before you get to that stage. Either way, a teacher can help you or find someone else who can help you.


  2. I’ve gotten in a couple of fights outside of school, but never at school. Most conflicts I had with my friends were resolved without violence. There are plenty of other ways, like going to teachers or someone else in authority you trust, to solve problems if you are being bullied, for example.
    There may be extreme circumstances where reacting violently is justified, but I would try everything else I could first.


  3. @maca01: I think Peter has some great insight and advice about this.

    I was never involved in a physical fight at school, but there was plenty of peer group pressure and I spent a lot of time worrying about being myself and if I was popular, etc. Now I’m older, I can look back and see that school was my world right then, but it’s not your world forever. I’m much more comfortable about being myself and happy about who I am.

    I did once get egged on the bus by some Yr 12 kids from another school on their last day. That was weird. I got really upset at the time thinking it was a personal attack – looking back , I think it was just where I sat that day!


  4. It’s pretty normal to get in fights at school but that doesn’t mean it’s something to look forward to. Some fights involve arguing but others are more physical, and people can get hurt. It’s better to find other ways to deal with differences and sort things out rather than fighting. Hopefully by the time you leave school you’ll realise that fighting isn’t the way to solve problems.


  5. When I was younger I once made a boy feel really bad by teasing him. He hit me with a cricket bat, so I guess I deserved it.

    The other fights I got into were during sporting matches, the great thing about them is everything was forgotten about after the game.



  1. @ peter i was fighting back but because of my size i hert him really badly i wasnt thinking thanks for the answer

    and i cant spell so sorry about the spelling
