Question: How did you decide on what you wanted to do at uni or as a career?


  1. I just fell in love with maths and science at high school and never wanted to do anything else. But even there, there was lots of choices, and it wasn’t until we had to learn how to program a computer (at University) that I decided I wanted to work with computers.


  2. @sabrina, it was a really difficult decision for me. I wanted to join the army and get a science degree during my army training, but I also wanted to learn forestry science which are really different career choices.

    So, I guess the uni decision was easier because I loved chemistry, but I wasn’t sure which one because the army degree came with a compulsory career.

    The great thing is, that it doesn’t matter too much if you cant make up your mind. You dont have to be in a rush to get started at uni or in a career and lots of people I know change their minds at uni or even after.


  3. I loved chemistry so deciding what to do at uni wasn’t difficult. I didn’t know what I would do for a job, even as I was getting close to finishing uni, but I knew there were plenty of different careers I could do with chemistry. A couple months before I finished uni I started looking for jobs and the one I ended up getting just happened to involve wine and chemistry.


  4. @sabrina: Hi! I knew at a really young age that I love animals and wanted to work with them in some way. I worked out when I was a teenager that I didn’t want to be a vet, but that I found animal behaviour really, really interesting.

    So from there (I was probably 16 when I worked it out) I decided that I wanted to go to university and study animal behaviour. I spoke to some people already working the animal behaviour field because I wasn’t sure if I would study it through Psychology (behaviour, including human and animals), or Zoology (all about animals, including behaviour) – in the end I did both. I did a Bachelor of Science and majored in Zoology with a minor in Psychology – this means I studied subjects from both of those areas and it gave me a great education in animal behaviour.

    I also got taught how to find information from reliable sources and that’s a really important thing I can apply to any area of my life and work.

    After university I travelled and then came home and started working in an animal shelter. This taught me about animal welfare and a lot about how we handle and house them can affect them. Then I worked at a guide dog facility and learnt more again. I had questions that I wanted answers to, but no other scientists had asked them yet, so I returned to university and started a PhD to ask the questions and get the answers I think can really help give working dogs a better quality of life. I love the work I do and best thing about doing something you enjoy so much is that it doesn’t seem like work at all – it’f fun!


  5. My older brother was a scientist, and I was good at maths and science in school, so when I went to uni I decided to study physics. The very first time I saw pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope (around 1995), I knew that I wanted to do astronomy, and that is what I have done ever since!

