Question: what is the latest satellite launched

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  1. @baileymymie8: WGA-6 is the most recently satellite launched, on August 8 2013, according to the website:

    “WGS-6 is the sixth satellite in the US Air Force’s Wideband Global Satcom system. Originally named Wideband Gapfiller Satellite, WGS was envisioned as an interim program to bridge the gap between the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) and the advanced Transformational Satellite program, which has since been cancelled. Funding for WGS-6 was provided by the Australian government in exchange for access to the Wideband Global Satcom system. Australia was the first country other than the United States to join the WGS program; other countries including Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and New Zealand have since joined, jointly providing funding for the WGS-9 satellite expected to launch in a few years’ time.”


  2. But there are new satellites being launched all the time. There is even a project that would allow a school to design an experiment in space and have it carried out – and I think the cost is only around $1000.

